How To Decorate A Nursery




A nursery is a room in which babies sleep and are cared for, and where children can play and study. If you have more than one child, you can decorate a nursery to suit all age groups. Decorating a nursery can be a fun family activity. Here are some tips on how to decorate a nursery.

Difficulty Level



  • For babies it is best to decorate the nursery beforehand. If you already have a nursery for older children, you can simply make a few modifications to make it suitable for a baby.
  • To begin with, choose some nice colors of paint, or wallpaper for your walls. If your child is fond of drawing on the walls, wallpaper may be a more suitable option. Pastel shades of yellow, blue, peach, and purple, are suitable colors for a nursery. For example, a combination of pale blue and pale yellow, would give the nursery a very cheerful look. Paint the ceiling in a neutral shade of white or cream.
  • Decorate the walls of the nursery, with Alphabets and cute motifs to stimulate the child’s mind. If you cannot draw free hand, use stencils to paint motifs on the walls. Alternatively, you could paint and decorate just one wall, and leave the others in cream or white for a pleasing effect. In order to decorate the windows and curtains, paint window frames in plain white, and use cream or white curtains, with decorative valances that match the rest of your décor.
  • The next step in decorating a nursery would be, selecting a nice carpet, some soft rugs, or a play mat (if you have a baby) for the floor. If your flooring is worn out and needs replacing, select flooring that is easily maintained and not slippery. You could also use wall to wall carpeting to increase the comfort of the room.
  • While decorating a nursery, it is also important to select proper lighting for the room. It is best to make sure that the room is well-lit. Dim lighting might make it difficult for your child to play and study. If your child or baby sleeps in the nursery, you can also install a night light or two. Select some nice age appropriate furniture for the room. If you have more than one child that uses the room, you will need to take into account each child’s needs and preferences and you will also require more space.
  • In order to decorate a nursery for a baby and an older child in the same room, you will require a baby cot with removable side rails, a changing table, a comfortable armchair or rocking chair to nurse the baby, a play pen, a small, low bed for the other child, two chests of drawers, a small table and chair, toy chest or toy cupboard, et cetera. Ensure that the furniture has no sharp edges that can hurt the child. You can purchase or paint the nursery furniture to match with the rest of the décor. You can also decorate the furniture using colorful motifs.
  • Next, choose bedding that is both comfortable and attractive. Pale colored bedding decorated with cute motifs like teddies, flowers, cars, et cetera, would be suitable. Make sure the bedding complements the rest of the nursery décor. The final step in decorating a nursery is, using decorative items and toys to create a unique look for the nursery. Use colorful and educationally stimulating items that will entertain the child and help it learn.
  • Tips and Warnings


  • When selecting decorative items and toys, make sure they are age appropriate, and avoid using small items that children may swallow.
  • Put up safety-bars on the windows, especially if your nursery is on an upper floor.
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    How To Decorate A Nursery

    How To Decorate A Nursery

    A nursery is a room in which babies sleep and are cared for, and where children can play and study. If you have more than one child, you can decorate a nursery





    How To Decorate A Nursery
    How To Decorate A Nursery

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