How to Get Healthy Skin




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Though it is said that beauty lies within a human body people are obsessed with their looks. Skin needs proper care to look healthy and radiant.

Difficulty level

Everyone wants to look beautiful. But negligence can hamper your skin. In this busy world people doesn’t get time for skin care, resulting in loss of glow and radiance, making the skin look dull and show the signs of aging at an early stage.


Tips and warnings

  • First and foremost tip for a healthy body and healthy skin is water therapy.Water is the best remedy for most of the skin problems. Drink as much water as you can on a day. The more you drink the more it reflects on your skin. The way water cleanses dirt from the body, floor and utensils, water throws impurities out of the human body as well.
  • Water keeps your skin supple, thus preventing from dryness. Generally water intake during chilly weather goes down. But experts suggest that water intake must not be reduced.
  • Apply a good moisturiser whenever you are going out inorder to avoid the skin from getting scaly. Re-apply moisturiser as and when it is necessary. Do not forget to apply a night cream before hitting the bed.
  • Acne or pimples emerges as a villain during teenage. Keep your nails off the pimples. Always take the advice of a dermatologist before applying any medicine. Self medication could lead to adversities and leave a permanent scar on your face.
  • Use astringent lotion before make-up. An astringent lotion would reduce the production of sebum, which is a key factor in aggravating pimples. Face scrubs could harm acne-prone skin. Steaming is the best remedy for cleaning the pores.
  • Scrub your body while taking bath. It will help remove all the dead cells thus leaving your skin smooth and soft. Apply a good body lotion after shower.
  • Going in sun without a sun protection lotion or cream could cause skin tan. Apply a face pack at least once in a week.
  • Eat right food. Avoid fried and oily stuff. Include a lot of salads, fruits and vegetables in your diet. Have enough sleep. Over eating and over sleeping both are foes to glowing skin. Over sleeping and less sleep will make your eyes puffy.
  • Above all a cheerful face looks radiant even without make-up. So keep smiling. Have a positive attitude towards life.
  • Accesorios para Jeep

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    How to Get Healthy Skin

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