Home Remedies for Cracked, chapped and dry lips, Treatment for Cracked, chapped and dry lips, Natural Cure for Cracked, chapped and dry lips




Lips are one of the most sensitive organs of the human body. Fleshy lips are something that everyone likes. Unfortunately, there could be situations when the lips becomes chapped or cracked. It presents a very bad look and in many cases it could also put the person in some embarrassing situations.

What causes chapping and cracking of lips?

Skin gets the oil and other vitamins from the sebaceous glands. It gets the oily substance called Sebum from the Sebaceous gland so that the skin can withstand different weather conditions, etc. Unfortunately, this natural protection is not given to the lips. So, lips should be protected from external sources. However, due to various factors like over exposure to the sun (as in summer) or cold, insufficient vitamins like Vitamin A, B, C and vitamin E, or even due to insufficient Riboflavin, dehydration, smoking, allergy, skin diseases, Sjogren’s syndrome (an ailment where excessive antibodies are created), even due to Macrocytosis (enlargement of blood cells makes the lips starts to crack or chapped). However experts are of the opinion that except in cases of Sjogren’s syndrome and Macroytosis which require medical attention in other cases of lips getting cracked or chapped may not require too much in the way of medical attention and it can be cured by minimum medication or even by home medicines.


Symptoms of cracked or chapped lips:

The feeling of dryness in the lips, tenderness of the lips, lips becoming reddish, peeling of lips, and a feeling of licking lips frequently are the early indications of lips becoming dry.


There are many medicines to address this problem. As said earlier, the doctors are of the opinion that except in case of Sjogren’s syndrome and Macroytosis, in other cases of dryness of lips, normally home medicines would do the trick. At the same time the doctors are of the opinion that dryness or cracking of lips is not life threatening.

  • Home Remedies
  • Natural Remedies
  • Other Remedies
  • Home remedies for Cracked, chapped and dry lips

    Olive Oil As A Treatment For Cracked, chapped and dry lips:

    Cure for Cracked, Chapped and dry lips using Olive Oil:

    Lipstick As A Natural Remedy For Cracked, chapped and dry lips:

    How to treat cracked lips using lipstick:

    Marigold As A Natural Remedy For Cracked, chapped and dry lips:

    Home remedies for Cracked lips using Marigold:

    Flax Seed As A Treatment For Cracked, chapped and dry lips:

    Treatment for cracked lips using Flax seed:

    Wheat germ oil, Watercress and nutritional yeast As A Natural Remedy For Cracked, chapped and dry lips:

    Wheat Germ Oil:

    Nutritional yeast


    How to treat cracked lips using wheat germ oil, watercress and nutritional yeast: Take two tablespoon of wheat germ oil, one table spoon watercress, one glass of tomato juice, two table spoon of Spinach juice and carrot juice and one table spoon of nutritional yeast. The combination of all these natural produce is a very good source of energy containing vital nutrition and minerals. Drink this mixture at least thrice a day and you will certainly observe wonderful results in containing the cracked lips. Ratones para gaming

    Mentholatum As A Natural Remedy For Cracked, chapped and dry lips:

    Home remedies for cracked lips using Mentholatum ointment:

    Other Home Remedies for Cracked, chapped and dry lips

    Tomato is rich in Vitamin C. Take some fully ripe tomato and gently rub it against the cracked lip. It may cause little burning sensation in the beginning. However, the Vitamin C present in tomato helps to heal it quickly.

    Take a lemon and cut it into two. Take one of the portions and rub it gently on the lip.

    Take about two teaspoons of mustard oil and apply it on the lips. Some even suggest that mustard oil should be applied on the navel.

    Gently rub the cucumber on the lips. It is really unbelievable, the healing is so fast.

    One of the oldest remedies is to apply pure ghee or pure butter (not the one mixed with salt etc) or milk cream on the lips. It removes the dead skin.

    Never peel the dead skin from the lips. This is because, if you forcefully remove then it only aggravates the situation. The only remedy is to keep applying Vaseline or ghee etc and the dead skin will come out automatically.

    Normally those who have cracked lips have the habit of licking the lips frequently. Experts say this should not be done. This is because each licking means watering the lips and more watering only takes away the moisture and it aggravates the situation.

    Some people may be allergic to certain toothpaste. So, ensure that you are not allergic to the toothpaste you are using.

    Take some aloe vera and Vitamin E gel. Mix them thoroughly and apply it on the lips.

    If you have dentures which are not properly fitted, it could cause cracking of lips. In that even take the help of your dentist.

    Mix honey with sugar or in the alternative mix sugar with olive oil and this mixture can be used for exfoliation of the dead skin.

    Stop smoking because tobacco can also cause cracking of lips.

    Take some rose petals and dip them in milk. After about one hour, crush the petals and allow it to soak in the milk for some more time. Now, apply this medicine and it is one of the best medicines for curing cracked lips.

    Take some milk cream and mix rose petals in it. Now, apply this mixture on the lips.

    Take some Neem leaves, crush them and extract the juice. Apply this juice on the lips. If you are buying Neem Juice extract, ensure that you buy it from a reputed manufacturer.

    Take fruits and vegetables which are rich in vitamins and minerals. Experts say that constipation is yet another cause for cracked lips. So, they suggest that fruits and vegetables should be rich in fibers.

    Home Remedies for Cracked, chapped and dry lips, Treatment for Cracked, chapped and dry lips, Natural Cure for Cracked, chapped and dry lips

    Home Remedies for Cracked, chapped and dry lips, Treatment for Cracked, chapped and dry lips, Natural Cure for Cracked, chapped and dry lips

    Lips are one of the most sensitive organs of the human body. Fleshy lips are something that everyone likes. Unfortunately, there could be situations when th






    Home Remedies for Cracked, chapped and dry lips, Treatment for Cracked, chapped and dry lips, Natural Cure for Cracked, chapped and dry lips
    Home Remedies for Cracked, chapped and dry lips, Treatment for Cracked, chapped and dry lips, Natural Cure for Cracked, chapped and dry lips

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