How To Make An Asian Salad




A salad is the quickest and easiest meal you can toss up in a few minutes and enjoy the crunch. It is extremely healthy as it’s full of greens, low in calories and rich in healthy nutrients. There are a number of ways to add taste, health and variety to your salad.

One of the most popular ways to add zing to your regular salad is to add some Asian dressing to your greens. An Asian salad is nothing new, but your regular green salad with more Asian ingredients to enhance the extra flavor and taste. Here is an excellent Asian salad recipe that includes some exclusive Asian ingredients like noodles or soy sauce to tickle your taste buds!


Difficulty Level



  • Pick the greens: You can choose a wide variety of veggies for an Asian salad. Get some fresh lettuce, bok choy, the Chinese cabbage, carrots, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, cucumber, onions, cherry tomatoes and baby corns. It totally depends on the taste and the availability of the vegetables that you can include in your salad. However, since it is a salad with an Asian dressing, it is better to stick to the Asian veggies and ingredients. Wash all the vegetables nicely under the running water. After washing the leaves make sure you have dried them completely, to avoid a watery salad.
  • Asian Salad Dressing: Now comes the most important part of preparing an Asian salad. Asian salad dressing would mostly contain ingredients necessary in Chinese cooking. For a big bowl of shredded vegetables, you need 2 tablespoon vinegar, 2 tablespoon soya sauce, 1 teaspoon sesame oil, some minced garlic, 1 teaspoon sugar, chili paste and grounded ginger.
  • Mixing the salad: Add all the liquid ingredients in a bowl and mix minced garlic, ginger, salt and sugar. Put the ingredients in a blender and mix well. Chop all your vegetables the way you want them to look in your salad. Shred the lettuce into pieces, and dice the carrots, mushrooms, cabbage and veggies. Mix the liquid ingredients and the dry ones in a large bowl together and toss well with the help of a wooden spatula. Add seasonings and other herbs to enhance the taste.
  • Asian Salad variations: There can be a lot of variations with your Asian Salad recipe. Since the ingredients are mostly Chinese, a lot of people add fried noodles to the salad for a more crunchy taste. However, you can avoid it if you wish to retail the low fat content of the salad. If you are a non-vegetarian, you can also add a variety of diced or shredded meats or sea food to the salad bowl. People love to add chicken, scallops or ham to their Asian Salad. If you prefer you’re a vegetarian salad, you can also add diced tofu for additional nutritional value.
  • Tips and Warnings



  • To ensure that the greens in your salad remain crisp, make sure you cut them and keep them in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for few hours.
  • Add the dressing just before serving the salad, or else it might taste soggy and limp.
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    How To Make An Asian Salad

    How To Make An Asian Salad

    A salad is the quickest and easiest meal you can toss up in a few minutes and enjoy the crunch. It is extremely healthy as it’s full of greens, low in calori





    How To Make An Asian Salad
    How To Make An Asian Salad

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