How To Treat Spider Bites




Spider bites can cause lot of irritation and itching. Though most of the spider bites are not harmful, yet there are a few spiders like black widow and brown recluse which can damage the tissues of the body in a great way.


You should make sure to treat the spider bites immediately, so that any severe outcome can be prevented. Here we are going to discuss about some effective ways to treat spider bites.

Difficulty Level

Treating spider bites is moderately easy. You need to be little careful while treating spider bites. Most of the spider bites can be treated easily at home. However, medical help may be required in case of poisonous spider bites.


  • The affected area of the skin should be washed with water and soap. This would help in eliminating external bacteria and viruses from the skin. Take some ice cubes and wrap them in a piece of cloth. Place the ice pack on the infected area for around twenty minutes. After that, place a wet cloth on the infected area. Let it stay on the skin for around forty minutes. Again place an ice pack and then wet cloth. Follow this practice for around five to six hours.
  • If possible, you should elevate the location of bite. This would help in reducing swelling.
  • In case, you notice chest pain, fever, dizziness or breath shortness, it is recommended to go to the doctor immediately. There is a possibility of being affected by an allergic reaction in this case.
  • If possible, you should try to identify the spider. There are certain spider bites which require extensive treatment. The treatment can be done in a much careful and effective manner if you are able to identify the spider that has bitten you.
  • In case of poisonous spider bite, you should immediately go for hospitalization. As a first aid, you should place tight bandage over the spider bite. Ensure that blood circulation is not stopped while you place the bandage. Placing a bandage would help in preventing spreading of poison to other areas of the body. Seek medical help as soon as possible.
  • How To Treat Spider Bites

    How To Treat Spider Bites

    Spider bites can cause lot of irritation and itching. Though most of the spider bites are not harmful, yet there are a few spiders like black widow and brown r





    How To Treat Spider Bites
    How To Treat Spider Bites

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