Know the physical and chemical filters, the best information to choose photoprotective this summer





“Choose the right photoprotective for each one is essential in the care of health”, according to María Teresa Dorado, a pharmaceutical company owned by Farmacia Plaza de Santo

There are many factors to consider when choosing a good one sunscreen like SPF, the UVA radiation protection o UVB, as well as the comfort of its use and its sensory qualities. One of the most worrying factors for the population, especially for most mothers today, is the composition of the sunscreen What is better, a physical or chemical filter?


Them physical filters act creating a barrier which prevents solar rays from entering the skin for prevent sunburn. The particles of mineral originZinc oxide and titanium dioxide are among the most used ingredients in these types of photoprotectors because cannot be absorbed by the skin. Dorado says, “They are a big advantage for children under 2 years of age and people who suffer allergies to chemical filters or sensitive skin. However, its dense and whitening texture does not make them among the public’s favorites.”

Them chemical filters, unlike the previous one, they are composed of chemical ingredients, among which stand out the cinamates or dibenzoylethane, that can lead to skin sensitivity reactions. This type of filters protect the skin by absorbing ultraviolet radiation. Although they have always been used in solar protection, you cannot forget that when absorbed by the skin can cause certain allergic reactions. While it is true that the current filters have been subjected to a very high number of safety and efficiency controls, and therefore their that is totally reliable for the consumer. Todo Prestamos y Finanzas en tiempos de crisis

Light textures, pleasant aromas, ease of application and not having a whitish look, places the chemical protectors in those of the greatest choice facing the summer. However, they have one lower protection With respect to the physicists, it is sometimes necessary to mix several filters. Dorado advises that “in order to purchase a solar photoprotector, children under 2 years of age must use a physical filter. You have to take into account the skin type to choose the best SFP, as the skins that are clearer and more irritated will have to resort to SPF greater than brown skins.”

A fact that few know and which is considered relevant in protecting themselves from the sun and taking care of the skin is the existence of the Biological filters and its ever-increasing complementary incorporation into the formulas of the photoprotectors. Dorado explains that “these filters are responsible for neutralizing the free radicals that form due to factors such as sun exposure, stress or pollution. These affect cells and skin structures, causing adverse effects such as wrinkles. Therefore, it is important to choose the photoprotector, that there is a combination in its formula of physical and chemical filters with biological filters that, not only protect, but provide antioxidants and repairs.”

As experts say, sunbathing does, but always with protection, regardless of the time of year. For everyone's comfort, there are many different formats of photoprotectors in the pharmacy: spray, bruma, cream, milk, etc. And, from Farmacia Plaza del Santo, they advise to always choose the most suitable for the skin type, regardless of the type of filter that is preferred.

Source Comunicae

Know the physical and chemical filters, the best information to choose photoprotective this summer

Know the physical and chemical filters, the best information to choose photoprotective this summer

“Choose the right photoprotective for each one is essential in the care of health”, according to María Teresa Dorado, a pharmaceutical company owned by Fa





Know the physical and chemical filters, the best information to choose photoprotective this summer
Know the physical and chemical filters, the best information to choose photoprotective this summer

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