miResi proposes a decalogue to avoid the heat stroke in older people





Summer is the time to enjoy with family or friends, rest and discover new places. The office and school are changed by the beach and the pool, as well as the bus and metro by the plane or the motorhome. The elders also enjoy summer, free time with grandchildren and children. However, summer also entails potential risk situations, such as heat stroke in older people.

Older people, over 65 years of age, are the most cared for in the summer, as they are the most vulnerable to high temperatures. Because of aging, the feeling of cold and heat decreases, which makes them have to be more careful in summer. In addition, due to diseases and pathologies, heat can cause serious problems.


Currently, Spain passes through a heat wave that is marking record in thermometers. Since the 11th of August, the hottest days have been recorded in Spain since 1941, making special attention to the elderly and their health.

miResi, experts in the care of the elderly and the largest network of quality residences in Spain, publishes these 10 tips to avoid the heat stroke in the elderly.

10 tips to avoid heat stroke in elderly
A heat stroke happens when the body temperature exceeds 41 degrees, producing a hyperthermia. At this time, the person experiences an increase in body temperature above normal, which makes the body not give it time to adapt, suffering the so-called heat stroke.

To avoid this situation in the elderly, prevention is best. Below is a decalogue of tips to prevent an older person from suffering the effects of heat. Similarly, these tips can be applied to the rest of the family.

1. Drink plenty of fluid
It's normal for older people to feel like they're not thirsty. However, although there is no sense of thirst, it is necessary to hydrate and avoid alcoholic beverages. Juegos borrados de la play store

2. Avoiding sun exposure
The elders must not be exposed to the most intense hours of sun, between 12:00 and 16:00.

3. Care for physical exercise
It is advisable not to perform physical activity, nor sports that increase sweating. It is also not recommended to do so in the hottest hours of the day.

4. Ventilate the house
It is important that the elder's house is fresh and ventilated. The blinds can be lowered so that it does not enter light, or install devices such as fans or air conditioning.

5. Suitable clothing
In times of very hot it is necessary to wear proper clothes. To do this you must avoid wearing tight clothing and choosing light fabrics as well as light colors.

6. Do not stay in cars or vehicles
Cars and vehicles in summer are very dangerous places. You have to keep the elders waiting in the car. The temperature can reach very high peaks, damaging your health.

7. Use of caps and hats
In case they have to go out or be on the street, they must wear a hat or hat that protects them from the sun.

8. Balanced diet
Diet is very important in times of heat. Older people should eat foods that are easily digested, and increase the consumption of water and liquid foods.

9. Communication
It is very important for families to be in contact with their older relatives if they live alone. Ask them from time to time, or be aware of the symptoms they may experience.

10. Watch the news
It is advisable to follow the heat alerts communicated in the news and thus to be able to prevent the heat stroke in older people.

Summer is time to enjoy. If all family members receive proper care, and heat is avoided in the elderly, you can enjoy a family vacation to the big.

miResi proposes a decalogue to avoid the heat stroke in older people

miResi proposes a decalogue to avoid the heat stroke in older people

Summer is the time to enjoy with family or friends, rest and discover new places. The office and school are changed by the beach and the pool, as well as the b






miResi proposes a decalogue to avoid the heat stroke in older people
miResi proposes a decalogue to avoid the heat stroke in older people

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