Refreshing recipes to make with a blender, by





Summer invites to prepare less cooked dishes and the blender is the key element in all of them

With one blender in the kitchen, you can cook a wide range of possibilities and at the same time save time in creating delicious dishes. makes a list of healthy, fast and rich dishes to prepare this summer:


Gazpacho: with a blender you can make a good gazpacho to taste. The best thing to do oneself is that you can choose the amount of ingredients and the end result: thicker or more liquid As you like. For a gazpacho you need quite mature tomatoes, Italian green pepper, cucumber, onion, bread, garlic, olive oil, white wine vinegar and a little salt. All this gets into the Carrefour and ready. A refreshing gazpacho. Free porn comics


Frozen robes: in summer everything frozen tastes good and very cold smoothiesYou know a lot better. To get an ice cream smoothie, freezes the fruit already cut into pieces previously and enter into the blender. Consistency is much creamier and thicker when the fruit is frozen. It's a good choice. take strawberry fruit in summer.

Sorbetes: crushes the Frozen fruit desired with the blender and added almond milk to give it more consistency. It's like smoothie but a much more dense texture.

Cold creams: both in summer as in winter, creams can be made, but in summer they appeal much more cold creams made with vegetables with high water content like cucumber, melon or pigs. They mix with other vegetables, preferably cold, in the Media Markt blender and ready. A vegetable cream suitable for the summer.

Refreshing recipes to make with a blender, by

Refreshing recipes to make with a blender, by

Summer invites to prepare less cooked dishes and the blender is the key element in all of them /COMUNICAE/ /COMUNICAE/





Refreshing recipes to make with a blender, by
Refreshing recipes to make with a blender, by

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