Simple Exercises To Relieve Neck Tension




Neck pain is a common ailment associated with growing older, bad posture, and general atrophy of the neck vertebrae. Here are some exercises which are simple and easy, and yet very powerful in relieving neck pain as well as strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the neck and reducing inflammation of the neck joints. Sit comfortably in a chair, with your feet flat on the ground, and your back straight for these. Keep your eyes open and looking straight ahead, while doing these exercises.

Sideways Movements Of The Neck:

Move your neck first to the left, hold for two seconds, then move it back to the starting position of looking straight ahead. Move it to the right and hold for a count of two. Repeat about 20 times.


Forward And Backward Movement Of The Neck:

Bend your neck forward, then bring it back to starting position after holding for a count of two. Now move it backwards so that the base of your skull is almost resting on the spine. Hold for a count of two, and bring it back to starting position. Repeat 10 times.

Guided Sideways Movements:

Put your left hand, palm down, on the right side of your head, and pull your neck towards the left shoulder, till you can comfortably endure the stretch. Hold for two seconds, then bring your neck back to upright position. Repeat with the other hand, and the other side of the head.

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Isometric Exercises:

There are two sets of Isometric exercises you should do to alleviate neck tension:
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Forward And Backward Press:

Put the base of your palm on your forehead with your neck in the upright position.Apply pressure so that the neck would bend backwards, but resist the movement by opposing pressure from the neck, to maintain the position of the neck. Maintain the opposing pressure for a couple of seconds. Release for a count of three, then repeat. Do this at least 6 times. Similarly, put the palm of your hand, or use both palms if more comfortable that way, at the back of your head, to try and bend your neck forward, but resist the pressure with the help of the neck muscles, to keep it in its upright position. Hold and repeat for the same count as the backward press.


Sideways Press:

As with the forward and backward press, these exercises work the muscles of the neck. Put your right palm, with the fingers pointing upward, on the right temple, and press towards the left. Resist the movement by keeping the neck straight. Hold for a couple of seconds, then release for a count of three. Repeat 6 times. Do the same with the other side of the head.Isometric exercises work the opposing muscles of the neck. This is how they help to strengthen the neck muscles.The above exercises, done twice or thrice a day, will help in relieving neck pain due to unreleased tension and stuff muscles. They are easy to do; all you need is a chair, and about 5 minutes, and you will soon say goodbye to neck tension.

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Simple Exercises To Relieve Neck Tension

Simple Exercises To Relieve Neck Tension

Neck pain is a common ailment associated with growing older, bad posture, and general atrophy of the neck vertebrae. Here are some exercises which are simple a





Simple Exercises To Relieve Neck Tension
Simple Exercises To Relieve Neck Tension

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