The Spanish Foodie that triumphs most in instagram @Bdevikingo experiences being vegan for 3 months





After cooking on the nets, making carnivorous recipes and visiting restaurants in Spain, talk to Bosco Jiménez or how he is known in the world of networks, BdeVikingo, to know how a gastronomic youtuber and influencer adapts, and above all carnivorous, to this way of life as different as veganism is

Behind Vikingo's B is a 34-year-old boy whose passion is meat and cooking and who at one point thought it would be a good idea to share it with the rest of the world through social networks. In less than two years this Spanish gastronomic influencer has positioned itself as one of the best foodies Carnivoros in the country. They even compare it to the international Oscar Meza of the Capital. He is Bosco Jimenez and may presume to have eaten more than 500 chuletons and made more than 250 successful recipes in less than two years. He doesn't like to call himself a cook, especially for the great respect he has to this profession, but he loves to say that he is a Warrior of cooking making a little analogy to the Viking culture that so passionate about him. Your formula works as you have managed to position yourself with thousands of followers in a very short time in both Youtube as in the network you like the most, Instagram.


His passion for meat and food, his humility and a great daily work have led him to be one of the most popular gastronomic influencers in recent years. And, above all, your ‘followers’ are always attentive waiting for your last recipe or dish.

The passion for cooking has been born in this Foodie for a few years. Being a cook especially carnivorous, he dared to live like a vegan for three months. Bdevikingo wanted to try physical, mental and gastronomic sensations of vegans despite his position. He was criticized by a minority of the collective who does not recognize this act as a friendly approach but as an ideological transgression.

The account of this influencer has always been a very personal account in which hundreds of followers could engage in direct conversation with him. Perhaps this closeness is much of its success. It should be noted that almost always your recipes are written and made as easy as possible so that even complicated recipes can be made by most followers.

Bdevikingo enhances its success in confinement after thousands of people looking for and making their recipes from home. It has several recipes published with several million views and the passion in its recipes is visualized from the other side of the screen yet has never published any vegan recipe as such. Aparatos de masajes

Followed by famous chefs, meat companies, restaurants, shops of all kinds of food and generally suitable for meat and good food Bdevikingo is positioned as one of the best gastronomic influencers 2020-2021 with all kinds of recipes.

After receiving some attacks in some publication of the famous “Haters” fits this way of life without feeding or subsisting on anything animal. He wanted to experience that he felt when living this way. Veganism is an act sacrificed and respected by which it would never repeat under any circumstances. Its lifestyle, its kitchen, its atmosphere even the restaurants are not adapted to make this way of life something easy. As you value. It also criticizes the fact that there are companies that want to simulate meat in a plant way for this lifestyle. Since he claims that a person who doesn't want to eat anything animal should not want to eat something that looks like him or bears his name.

His instagram account hardly noticed this food change as he continued to publish the recipes he had always cooked. Although it affected the periodicity of its publications. It seems that the vast majority of followers did not know anything about what they did.

It also gives its opinion on the new printed meat whose main function is to end the animal exploitation that has existed so far. “It seems to be a novel and interesting idea. But that animal food will always exist and that many other things should be changed internally in farms, slaughterhouses and the meat sector before dedicating research to other forms of food. The great industry and economic pressure is the real cause of animal suffering,” he believes.

“The animal food will always exist and that many other things should be changed internally in farms, slaughterhouses and the meat sector before dedicating research to other forms of food. The great industry and economic pressure is the real cause of animal suffering.”

In addition to influencer is a great entrepreneur since it has an online shop where it sells exclusive products for its followers. One of its star products is the famous pulled pork. Demigada pork smoked for 7 hours in collaboration with the company El Marrano and CO in Barcelona.

The vegan experience has not ended with your favorite dish that is and will always be the chuleton. He's cooked and eaten more than 1000 chuletons throughout his life. And it is the piece that is generally more interesting for most followers.

This is all about the most fashionable carnivorous influencer on networks.

Bdeviking Costillar de Ternera

The Spanish Foodie that triumphs most in instagram @Bdevikingo experiences being vegan for 3 months

The Spanish Foodie that triumphs most in instagram @Bdevikingo experiences being vegan for 3 months

After cooking on the nets, making carnivorous recipes and visiting restaurants in Spain, talk to Bosco Jiménez or how he is known in the world of networks, Bd





The Spanish Foodie that triumphs most in instagram @Bdevikingo experiences being vegan for 3 months
The Spanish Foodie that triumphs most in instagram @Bdevikingo experiences being vegan for 3 months

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