Savory Herb




Winter savory is a perennial plant that resembles thyme and forms an excellent ground cover. Its flavor is though a bit different. This herb is perhaps somewhat underrated. It is also a strong tasting herb, which is often used to flavor liquors, vegetables and garnish salads. It is used as a cooking herb in many parts of the world. The herb also has some health benefits, which are mentioned below.

Relieves cough and cold: Winter savory tea relieves cough and cold. The tea is made from the leaves of winter savory. A quarter-cup of fresh leaves is to be boiled in a cup of boiling water and then strained after five minutes. Lemon and honey are to be added in the mixture. This tea is extremely helpful and healthy to drink in times of cough and cold.  An alternative recipe of cold and flu is that 10 ml of dry winter savory or 20 ml of fresh winter savory is to be added in a liter of boiling water and then one cinnamon stick and five cloves is to be added to the mixture. This mixture is to be boiled for three minutes and then strained. One has to drink a glass of this mixture once in the morning, once at noon and once in the night to get relief from the cold and cough.


Antioxidant capacity: Winter savory plants grow as small, woody bush and its leaves are attached in pairs to the stem, are long and narrow at the base, and wider at the tip. Winter savory has a deeper and piney taste, close to Rosemary and it is commonly paired with heartier foods like red meat, pates, and sausage. This herb also aides in digestion and has astringent and antiseptic properties. Blog sobre gatos

Antiseptic properties: This herb was most often used by the Europeans in bean-dishes to prevent gas formation. Savory is valued for its aromatic oil similar to other mint family plants like sage, rosemary, basil, peppermint, lavender, etc. Winter savory oil is well-known for its antimicrobial properties against viral, fungal, bacterial and yeast infection. This oil can be used to treat both internally and externally.

Medicinal benefits: Winter savory has marked medicinal benefits. Since long back, winter savory tea is used in Europe as a medicine for lessening digestive disorders including colic, diarrhea, flatulence, and dyspepsia. This tea is also used for treating menstrual cramps and disorders. The essential oil is used in the scalp in cases of incipient baldness. It has benefits to treat gastroenteritis, cystis, nausea, bronchial congestion, sore throat and also in getting immediate relief from the pain of wasp/ bee stings. An ointment made from this plant is also used to get relief from arthritis joint pain.

Savory Herb

Savory Herb

Winter savory is a perennial plant that resembles thyme and forms an excellent ground cover. Its flavor is though a bit different. This herb is perhaps somewha





Savory Herb
Savory Herb

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