Detection And Treatment Of Heart Palpitation Naturally- Home Remedy For Heart Palpitation | Home Remedies




Palpitation is one of the common problems faced due to which our heart beats abnormally (either very fast or very slow) and unevenly. Even though palpitation of heart is not a serious ailment, it can create a lot of disturbances and tensions. 

Many of us experience palpitation of heart after having food. Palpitation does not have any direct relation with serious heart diseases. Palpitation of heart can be cured completely by following any of the home remedies mentioned below.

Causes of palpitation

Anxiety is the major reason for palpitation of heart. This may bring dizziness in the patient and may result in panic attacks. Excessive smoking is one of the main causes for palpitation of heart.


Overeating can cause uneven heart beats resulting in palpitation. Overeating results in abnormal contraction of cardiac muscles which is the cause for palpitation.

Palpitation of heart, especially at night is mainly due to the unevenness in the hormone levels. Excessive consumption of alcohol can be considered as a cause for the palpitation. Decreased oxygen level in the blood may also cause palpitation of heart.

Symptoms Of Palpitation

The affected person may experience a pounding effect in the chest region which is considered as an important warning sign for the palpitation of heart. The pulse rate of the patient may increase and is a symptom for the palpitation.

Home Remedies For Palpitation

Grapes are one among the best remedies for palpitation of heart. Freshly prepared grape juice can be taken frequently which is found to be very effective in relieving from the difficulties of disease and hence curing the problem of palpitation.

Guava is a good home medicine for the problem of heart palpitation. One or two ripe guavas can be eaten daily which is very advantageous in the treatment. This is also useful in healing other diseases like anemia, nervousness etc.

Snake gourd leaves are good at curing the palpitation. Freshly extracted juice of snake gourd leaves can be used in the treatment of palpitation. About one or two tablespoons of this drink can be used three to four times daily which is an excellent remedy for the disease.

Honey is a valuable medicine for palpitation as well as many other diseases. The person facing the problem of palpitation can take an infusion prepared by mixing one tablespoon each of lemon juice and honey in a cup of water. This can be taken daily before going to sleep which is very valuable in healing the problem of heart palpitation. Taking a tablespoon full of honey can also be regarded as an excellent medicine in the treatment of the palpitation of heart.

Indian spikenard is another important herbal remedy in the case of palpitation. This herb is very useful in stimulating the functions of heart. This herb can be taken along with a small amount of cinnamon and camphor. About 2 to 3 grams of this combination can be eaten twice a day for the best results of curing the problem. Todo sobre peces y sus Acuarios, Plantas, Accesorios

Aniseeds and coriander are proved to be useful in healing the problem of palpitation. Equivalent amounts of pounded aniseeds and desiccated coriander can be mixed well. This mixture can be taken in small amounts along with a little of jaggery. Consuming about 5 grams of this fusion after each meal is proved to be effective in curing the palpitation.

Having a herbal tea prepared using peppermint can help in healing the palpitation of heart. Having a cup of peppermint tea can help in keeping your digestive systems healthy and fresh and hence can prevent palpitation of heart especially at night. This is an excellent home remedy in the case of palpitation.

Barks of black hawk roots are best among the home remedies for the problem of palpitation of heart. Being rich in phytosterols, black hawk roots are useful in keeping your heart calm and healthy. The bark can be dried and powdered and then can be consumed in small amounts which is beneficial in curing the palpitation of heart. About 20 drops of black hawk bark tincture can be taken daily which is very effective in the treatment of the problem.

Meditation and yoga are helpful in the treatment of palpitation of heart as well as many other diseases. Meditation as well as yoga can help in relieving us from stress and anxiety which are the main causes for the palpitation of heart. Regular exercises including cycling can help in doing away the matter at a faster rate. Avoid over doing any of the exercises as this can worsen the trouble.

Ayurvedic herbs like brahmi, shatavari etc. are proved to be excellent in healing the problem of heart palpitation. These herbs can be eaten either alone or a mixture of many such herbs can be taken in small dosages which is advantageous in curing the palpitation of heart.

Consumption of stimulants can result in reduction of oxygen level in the blood and hence can cause palpitation of heart. Over consumption of the same should be avoided which is proved to be helpful in the treatment of palpitation. Intake of chocolate, alcohol, tea etc. should be restricted in order to prevent the problem of palpitation of heart.

Diet To Be Followed

Following a diet of fruits and vegetables can be valuable in the treatment of heart palpitation. Consuming raw and partially cooked vegetables in a large amount can be helpful in the treatment of palpitation of heart. A diet including milk, nuts, whole-wheat, buttermilk, green leafy vegetables etc. can be valuable in curing the problem at a faster rate. Food items like tea, coffee, carbonated soft drinks etc. should be totally avoided as intake of these food items can worsen the problem. Cottage cheese and yogurt are beneficial in healing the problem of palpitation of heart and thus can be included in the daily diet of the person facing the problem of palpitation.

Drug consumption should be avoided as this can cause palpitation in heart as well as many other health troubles. Drinking water in a large amount can be helpful in washing out the toxins from the body and moreover, it can help in keeping our body hydrated.

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Detection And Treatment Of Heart Palpitation Naturally- Home Remedy For Heart Palpitation

Detection And Treatment Of Heart Palpitation Naturally- Home Remedy For Heart Palpitation | Home Remedies

Palpitation is one of the common problems faced due to which our heart beats abnormally (either very fast or very slow) and unevenly. Even though palpitation o





Detection And Treatment Of Heart Palpitation Naturally- Home Remedy For Heart Palpitation
Detection And Treatment Of Heart Palpitation Naturally- Home Remedy For Heart Palpitation

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