Brown Skin Spots




Liver spots, age spots, skin discoloration, sun spots, hyper pigmentation or freckles are some of the names that are given to the brown spots on the skin. Excessive exposure of the skin to the sun gives rise to brown spots on the skin. Usually these spots start appearing after the age of 50 and begin to grow larger as the person ages. These spots are harmless and are mostly found in the scalp, faces and hands. Aloe vera gel, citrus fruit acids like lemon juice and apple cider vinegar, enzymes like papaya, horseradish, witch hazel, and pineapple can be used to diminish these brown spots on the skin.


Home remedies for reducing brown spots on the skin

Lemon juice: The easiest way of removing age spots is by using lemon juice, which is considered to be natural bleach. The lemon juice should be applied directly to the spots with the help of fingers. This is a tried and tested remedy for treating freckles.

Castor oil: Castor oil is useful for removing brown spots from the skin. One has to rub castor oil on the spots and leave it overnight. Wash the oil in the morning. With the usage of castor oil externally, Vitamin E should be consumed internally. El Portal de los Acrósticos imaginativos

Butter milk: Butter milk is an age-old remedy for treating brown spots on the skin. The lactic acid and other ingredients that are present in the milk are beneficial to the skin. It has been used for generations as skin cleanser and beauty aid.

Hydrogen Peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide is bleach and is stronger than lemon juice. Home bleach can be made by mixing two tablespoon of milk powder and enough hydrogen peroxide to make it a thick paste. This should be applied to the skin and left for sometime. This mixture is effective for the removal of brown spots but should be discontinued immediately if there is any skin sensitivity.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E is also effective if applied on the spots directly on a regular basis. This vitamin becomes even more effective if it is mixed with cod liver oil and applied on to the spots.

Almonds: Freckles can be removed by blanching and grinding two almonds, mixing it with the white of an egg and half teaspoon of lime juice. This mixture has to be spread on the skin and left on, until dry. Then the skin has to be washed first with warm water and then with cold water.

Brown Skin Spots

Brown Skin Spots

Liver spots, age spots, skin discoloration, sun spots, hyper pigmentation or freckles are some of the names that are given to the brown spots on the skin. Exce





Brown Skin Spots
Brown Skin Spots

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