Chicken Pox Treatment




Chicken pox is a common illness among the kids. It is a highly contagious illness which is primarily due to the varicella zoster virus. This illness is identified by itchy, red spots, which usually appear first on the chest and stomach followed by the entire body. The victim also gets fever affected. The infected child must stay and take rest at home until all the symptoms of the infection are gone.Natural cures to chicken pox:

Brown Vinegar: Brown vinegar is one of the many important natural cures that are beneficial in the treatment of the disease. Half-cup of this vinegar should be added to a tub of warm water. This helps a lot in relieving the irritation of the skin as well as in healing the lesions.


Green pea: Green pea water is another useful remedy for treating chicken pox. One has to boil a pan of water with green peas in it. After the boiling of the water as well as the peas, the water has to be strained and applied to the affected area. This helps in the relieving of irritation and itching of the skin.

Oatmeal: One has to grind the oatmeal into fine powder and put two cups of the grinded powder in a tub of warm water. For better results, one can add one cup of baking soda to the same warm bathing water. This would help in healing the lesions as well as relief the itching caused by the chicken pox. Utensilios de cocina

Honey: If the affected area is coated with honey from outside, it cannot  only relief the irritation caused but also heal the rashes of the chicken pox within three days. It is a valuable remedy for fighting the infection.

Carrot and coriander: One should grate 100 grams of carrot and 60 grams of coriander and boil it in warm water. After that, the residue has to be discarded while the soup has to be consumed once daily. This is an effective remedy for the treatment of the infection.

Herbal tea: A mild sedative herbal tea can prove useful in treating chicken pox. The tea should be made using chamomile, marigold, basil and lemon balm. By adding a pinch of cinnamon, lemon and honey to it, the healing powers of the herbal tea are greatly enhanced. The tea should be sipped several times a day in order to get a beneficial effect.

Chicken Pox Treatment

Chicken Pox Treatment

Chicken pox is a common illness among the kids. It is a highly contagious illness which is primarily due to the varicella zoster virus. This illness is identif





Chicken Pox Treatment
Chicken Pox Treatment

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