Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy




Pregnancy brings with it its own set of cravings. While your body will only crave for things that are healthy and essential for you and your baby; you have a tendency to have just about any food and drinks that come in your line of vision. There are however a few foods and drinks that can put you as well as the fetus in danger and even lead to miscarriages.

Common sense would tell you to stay away from all alcoholic beverages. Wine falls in this category as so does champagne. If you are pregnant during the holiday season you can binge on fruit or tomato juices. There is zero tolerance for alcohol during the term of your pregnancy. Consumption will lead to birth defects in your child or miscarriage if it is consumed in the early stages.


Do not take any over the counter drugs that you may normally do without prescription. They can be potentially life threatening.

While most doctors are okay with their patients consuming a cup or two of coffee daily, I strongly recommend staying away from caffeine in all forms. Drink decaffeinated coffee if it is absolutely necessary. Scifi books reviews

Never consume raw and rare cooked meats; especially red meats. Beware of the fish you are eating. While most fish give you a healthy supply of protein ad Omega 3 fats, shellfish can be harmful. Raw eggs and foods that contain raw eggs like mousse should also be avoided as the bacteria present in raw eggs are harmful. Unpasteurized milk and other dairy products like cheese are also dangerous. Stay away from blue cheese and goat cheese as they are unprocessed and are have a huge amount of bacteria. Fish such as swordfish and mackerel are high in mercury and should be avoided at all times. Do not eat veryspicy foods either as they will increase the risk of acidity and heartburn sensation.

If you have already consumed one of more of these foods during the term of your pregnancy then there is no need to fear just make sure not to eat any of them during the rest of your term or while breastfeeding

Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy

Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings with it its own set of cravings. While your body will only crave for things that are healthy and essential for you and your baby; you have a t





Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy
Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy

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