How to Avoid Constipation




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I owe my bouts of constipation to the lack of water in my system. To me water was the enemy and sodas and colas were my friends. I grew up to realize the importance of water when my face was constantly facing acne burst outs and my stomach was unaware that it needed to have a bowel movement everyday.


There are many symptoms to constipation. The first and most obvious would be lack of bowel movements. Other symptoms include headaches, dizziness, migraines, bad breathe, loss of appetite and pain in the lower back and abdomen.

What causes the constipation?

One of the main causes of constipation includes lack of water. Other causes include eating foods that are not of nutritional value and lack vitamins and minerals that are essential for the body, excessive amounts of tea and coffee consumption during the day and poor exercise routines.

How to avoid being constipated?

A simple remedy to chronic constipation includes drinking plenty of water during the day. Water helps you to have regular bowel movements and reduces the abdomen and back aches that you suffer from due to the constipation.

Drink a glass of warm milk before you go to bed at night. The warm milk helps to relieve any form of acidity that you may suffer from. In addition to that the milk also helps to have a painless bowel movement the next morning.

Bananas are known to help relieve pain. It also ensures regular bowel movements. A banana every day for breakfast makes a healthy meal and helps your bowels as well.

If you are constipated and are feeling uneasy as a result of the constipation then you must drink apple juice all day long. The apple juice helps to relieve the pain and acidity that you may experience as a result of the constipation. It will also ensure that you have a bowel movement within a few hours. This is very effective with children.

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    How to Avoid Constipation

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