Reduce Swelling Face




Swelling on the face can be caused due to several factors. Lack of sleep, dehydration, water retention, menstruation, pregnancy, high amounts of alcohol and lowered activity levels are some of the causes that lead to swelling on the face. You will notice the area around the eyes and your cheeks get swollen. Whatever causes the swelling it is important that you use home remedies to get rid of it. Home remedies are the most effective as they do not have any side effects.

If you notice the swelling under your eyes then green tea will come to your rescue. All you need to do is brew a cup of the tea. Drink the tea in order to reduce the swelling. The anti oxidants in the tea will help to reduce the puffiness under your eyes and all other areas of the face. After you have enjoyed your cup of tea you must place the tea bags under your eyes. Using the tea bags topically on your skin will reduce the swelling drastically. The tannin in the tea is a natural stringent and this helps to decrease the inflammation on the skin.


There are several other natural remedies that you can use topically. One of the most effective amongst them is cucumber. The vegetable has natural astringent properties and this helps to reduce swelling and puffiness. Slice a few pieces of cucumber and lie down and relax. Place the slices on your eyes and other parts of your face that show signs of swelling. Within a few minutes you will notice a reduction in the puffiness on your skin. Korean Beauty

Dehydration and water retention could also lead to swelling and puffiness on your face. In order to control this you need to drink plenty of water during the day. When you drink water you eliminate the toxins in your body and this in turn reduces the swelling and puffiness on your face.

A cold compress will also work to reduce puffiness on your face. Use an ice pack on your face for 15 to 20 minutes in order to benefit from the treatment. You may feel uncomfortable at first however after the initial shock that you skin gets it will learn to adapt to the change in temperature and benefit from it.

Reduce Swelling Face

Reduce Swelling Face

Swelling on the face can be caused due to several factors. Lack of sleep, dehydration, water retention, menstruation, pregnancy, high amounts of alcohol and lo





Reduce Swelling Face
Reduce Swelling Face

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