Joint Care During Winter




Joint pain becomes more problematic during winters. Various joints in out body get pain due to some or the other reasons. Knee pain is one of such common joint pains. It is important to know about the facts related to knee care because knees hold weight of whole body. Knee is basically the joint at the lower extreme which joins the leg bone, thigh bone and patella.

As it is always active in almost every type of our daily activities, it is more prone to diseases and injuries. Strengthening knee muscles by exercise and the other methods can reduce the keen injury and make them more powerful because if the knee muscles are weak, it is difficult to support knee joint in a proper way. Exercise makes the muscles more flexible and stronger.


When you start doing knee exercises, you may experience pain and stress in knee muscles. This is because tear is normal and when it heals it result in bigger, firmer and stronger muscles. Always try to exercise a group of muscles on alternate basis to provide time for healing. Strengthening knee exercises should be done thrice a week. Always take rest after knee exercises. If the pain remains for longer time never avoid it. Applying ice wrapped in a cloth can help in reducing pain. Blog sobre Supervivencia

The two main muscle groups that help in knee movement are the quadriceps and the hamstrings. The quadriceps helps in extending legs while standing, walking upstairs and running. The hamstrings on the other hand, help in bending knees when you are pushing against something. All the muscles of knees should be taken care of while performing strengthening exercises.

Along with strengthening exercises, knee balancing and stretching exercises can also be done. These exercises provide variety to knee exercises and are very helpful in reducing pain. Before beginning these exercises consult your doctor and make sure these exercises are safe for you. At the beginning of any exercise give your knee joints and muscles few minutes of warm up and stretching. All movements should be done slowly and steadily.

Joint Care During Winter

Joint Care During Winter

Joint pain becomes more problematic during winters. Various joints in out body get pain due to some or the other reasons. Knee pain is one of such common joint





Joint Care During Winter
Joint Care During Winter

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