How To Treat Joint Pain




One of the main symptoms of arthritis is the joint pain, which is commonly seen among people of different age group due to many reasons. Pain can be in one or more joints. It can affect our daily activities making it difficult for us to do. Inflammation of fluid filled sacs that cushions bony parts of body can also cause joint pains.


Joint pain can be due to an injury on the joint. Excessive strain on joint can also lead to joint pains. Inflammation of tendons can cause joint pains. Bursitis which is the inflammation of bursa can also cause joint pains. Conditions that effect metabolisms can lead to joint pains. Another common cause of joint pain is autoimmune disorders.


Home remedies

Bathing in warm water is one of the easiest and effective remedies for joint pains using water. Oil massage given to the affected area can give a relief from the pain. Taking a cup of papaya seed tea, four to five times for some days can reduce joint pain. One of the good home remedies for joint pain is consuming garlic cloves fried in butter which can give a relief from pain.

Chapattis made from roasted gram flour with a little of butter can be consumed which can give a relief from joint pains. Porridge made by mixing two to three teaspoon of winter cherry, ghee and molasses  can be taken in empty stomach for 15 to 20 days as it is an effective home remedy for  joint pain. Fotos Porno y actrices porno

Bananas are considered best for joint pains among fruits as they give strength and grease for joints. Bananas can even restore the lost nutrients from the body. In taking of 1-2 teaspoon full of turmeric powder in hot milk is a good remedy for all types of body pains. Another home remedy for joint pain is to drink carrot juice as it can make the ligaments stronger.


Before going to bed, joints can be rubbed using vinegar. A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a teaspoon of honey can be dissolved in warm water and can be taken once a day. Yogic asana like Gomukhasana can be done daily which is a good cure for joint pains. Mixture of camphor, methyl salicylate, eucalyptus oil and methanol can be made and rubbed on the joints which can give relief from joint pains.

One of the good remedies for joint pain suggests in taking a mixture of one teaspoon each of carrot juice and lemon once a day. Exercise can improve your flexibility of joints and it can keep you fit and strong. Exercises from water can give relief to body pains. A wonderful ointment for joint pain can be prepared by mixing two parts of olive oil and one part of kerosene oil or even a gentle massage with olive oil is also very effective and easier.

Alternate compresses on body, it can be hot or cold, can give a relief from joint pains. Regular exercises should be done to keep joints stronger.

How To Treat Joint Pain

How To Treat Joint Pain

One of the main symptoms of arthritis is the joint pain, which is commonly seen among people of different age group due to many reasons. Pain can be in one or





How To Treat Joint Pain
How To Treat Joint Pain

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