Food Allergies and Sensitivities




An allergic response or intolerance to a food or food ingredient comes under the general category of food sensitivity. Such reactions cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms, such as headache, bloating, digestive system disorders etc.

Basically there are two types of food sensitivity i.e., intolerances and allergies. Allergies are generally reaction of immune system in which it releases antibodies from white cells. These antibodies attack the culprit food. Inflammation is causes due to this attack resulting in production of reactive oxygen particles which may damage the body.

Food tolerance occurs when our digestive system is not able to digest certain type of food. Indigestion may be a result of unavailability of enzyme required for the proper digestion. In immediate onset allergy the symptoms appear within one or two hours of eating culprit food. The symptoms of this type of allergy include asthma, hives, swelling of the mouth, lips and hay fever etc.


In case of delayed onset allergy symptoms may appear 2 to 3 days after eating the culprit food. Symptom may grow if we take large amount of this food or we take it very frequently. If you are experiencing the problem of food sensitivity, you are advised to avoid paprika cayenne pepper and chilli powder because these spices irritate intestine and hence increase the symptoms. The other symptoms of onset allergy include eczema, diarrhea, vomiting, tiredness, bloating, muscle weakness and muscles pain, joint pain, palpitation etc. Viajes y turismo

A healthy diet is very helpful in avoiding such allergies. The diet you take should contain necessary nutrients like vitamins, iron, zinc, copper, fatty acids etc. In case you are suffering from an allergy to wheat, you should avoid the stuff made of wheat. To avoid allergy you can maintain a diary to note down the food you have eaten so that you can easily find out the culprit food. Make sure that you avoid the food to which you are allergic. In case food intolerance, you can take enzyme supplements after consulting your doctor. Herbal tea can be useful in reducing symptoms of allergy.

Food Allergies and Sensitivities

Food Allergies and Sensitivities

An allergic response or intolerance to a food or food ingredient comes under the general category of food sensitivity. Such reactions cause a variety of unplea





Food Allergies and Sensitivities
Food Allergies and Sensitivities

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