Home Remedies For Tooth Pain




When the nerve root of a tooth is irritated owing to an infection, injury or tooth decay, tooth pain occurs. Although your dentist is the best person to treat your dental problem, before visiting a dentist, you might search for medications that provide instant relief from the sharp pain.

5 Top Home Remedies For Tooth Pain

Clove Oil

Clove oil is a popular home remedy for tooth pain. Studies have shown that the essential oil extracted from the clove plant is blessed with antibacterial and analgesic properties. Before the advent of anesthetics, clove oil was used by dentists for numbing the nerve root of the tooth.


Clove owes its medicinal properties to a compound called eugenol, which gives the spice its sharp aroma. It is as effective as benzocaine-based anesthetics in easing toothache. However, clove oil should be used carefully.

Dab a small amount of clove oil with cotton swab on the affected tooth and gum. It should not be taken internally. Ingestion of large amounts of clove oil can damage the liver and the lungs.


Placing a small amount of crushed garlic on the affected tooth and gum can reduce the tooth infection. An active ingredient in garlic called alliin is converted into a powerful antibiotic compound called allicin when raw garlic is crushed.

The antibacterial property of allicin helps to fight the bacteria responsible for the dental infection and pain. Despite the foul garlic breath, this home remedy is well tolerated and devoid of adverse side effects even when used in large amounts. Juegos borrados de la play store


The wheat seed sprout that develops by soaking the seed in water for 7 to 10 days is known as wheatgrass. Juice extracted from wheatgrass contains enzymes that aid detoxification.

Preventing tooth decay is one of the many beneficial properties of consuming wheatgrass juice. Rinsing the mouth with wheatgrass juice helps to ease tooth pain.

Herbalists speculate that by removing the toxins from the affected area, wheatgrass helps to reduce the toothache. Wheatgrass juice is usually safe when used in moderate amounts. Occasionally it causes nausea when ingested.


Rinsing the mouth with a warm saline mouthwash can ease the pain. Prepare the mouthwash by mixing half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water. The oral bacteria thrive in an acidic environment.

Saltwater rinses suppress bacterial growth in the mouth by alkalinizing the mouth. To increase the alkalinity of the mouth further, you can consider adding half a teaspoon of baking soda in the saline mouthwash.

However, the saltwater increases the alkalinity in the mouth for a brief period. For long-term relief, from the toothache, you must rinse your mouth with the mouthwash three to four times a day.

Vanilla Extract

Applying a small amount of vanilla extract on the painful tooth can reduce the pain. The small amount of alcohol present in vanilla extract is believed to numb the irritated nerve in the tooth. However, it can provide only temporary relief from the toothache.

Home Remedies For Tooth Pain

Home Remedies For Tooth Pain

When the nerve root of a tooth is irritated owing to an infection, injury or tooth decay, tooth pain occurs. Although your dentist is the best person to treat






Home Remedies For Tooth Pain
Home Remedies For Tooth Pain

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