Health classroom on how to prepare Behobia-San Sebastián





“12 weeks is the least to prepare the Behobia”- “The recovery after the race is as important as the preparation,” says specialists from the Hospital Quirónsalud Donostia and Policlínica Gipuzkoa

On November 13, a new edition of the popular race of the Behobia/San Sebastián is held, the 22 most special kilometers in this type of race by the concatenation of climbs and descents, which make this test unique in the world within its category. Therefore, the next Gipuzkoa Polyclinic Health Classroom with the title:Preparing the Behobia/SS”, brings together a multidisciplinary team of specialists to discuss how to prepare for this race, which this year brings together 30,000 riders from all over Europe.


The Director of Production of the Race, Fernando Ibarreta, will participate as speakers; the heads of Sports Medicine of the Hospital Quirónsalud Donostia and Policlínica Gipuzkoa respectively, Dr. Ricardo Jiménez and Dr. Enrique Pérez de Ayala; the nutritionist, Nerea Roussel; the podologist, Leire Gárate and the physical therapist, Haritza Cristobal.

Ricardo Jiménez and Enrique Pérez de Ayala will offer guidelines on how to prepare in the best conditions and how to recover from the effort made: “The preparation of the test must consist of three phases: adaptation, accumulation and download to finish. To work these three phases, at least we have to start training 12 weeks before the race,” they say. “The best descalentment is the rest, the ideal would be if we had the possibility of taking a day off or working little and during that day running a little and not having a sedentary attitude”,clear up.

On the other hand, the Nerea Roussel nutritionist will talk about the importance of a diet adjusted to this test: “First, there must be a healthy eating base. On the basis of that, the requirements of each runner would have to be assessed.” The Chief of the Rehabilitation Service of the Quirón Salud Donostia Hospital, Haritza Cristobal, will offer some advice to be able to download the accumulated fatigue; and Leire Garate, Podóloga de la Unidad del Pie de Policlínica Gipuzkoa y Podoactiva, will give guidelines to prevent injuries: “a good footwear and prual hygiene, indispensable for the start of the runners”. Muestras gratis y regalos

The classroom is in presence, but you have to book a place by calling 943 002759 and you can also followon linevia the Gipuzkoa Polyclinic YouTube channel or

The attendees will be able to move all their questions in the back colloquium through digital chatdailyvasco.comor directly if they're in the room. The classroom will be moderated by the Medical-Assistance Director of Quirónsalud in Gipuzkoa, Dr. Sonia Roussel. And as always, after the end you will be able to visit the facilities of the Donostiarra Aquarium.

About Quirónsalud
Quirónsalud is the leading hospital group in Spain and, together with its Fresenius-Helios matrix, also in Europe. It has more than 40,000 professionals in more than 125 health centres, including 50 hospitals offering about 7,000 hospital beds. It has the most advanced technology and a great team of highly specialized professionals and international prestige. Among its centers are the Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Centro Médico Teknon, Ruber Internacional, Hospital Universitario Quirónsalud Madrid, Hospital Quirónsalud Barcelona, Hospital Universitario Dexeus, Policlínica de Gipuzkoa, Hospital Universitari General de Catalunya, Hospital Quirónsalud Sagrado Corazón, etc.

The Group works in the promotion of teaching (eight of its hospitals are university students) and medical-scientific research (accounts with the Institute of Health Research of the FJD, accredited by the Secretariat of State of Research, Development and Innovation).

In addition, its assistance service is organized in units and cross-sectional networks that allow for the optimization of the accumulated experience in the various centers and the clinical translation of their research. Currently, Quirónsalud is developing a multitude of research projects throughout Spain and many of its centers carry out in this area a leading work, being pioneers in different specialties such as oncology, cardiology, endocrinology, gynaecology and neurology, among others.

Health classroom on how to prepare Behobia-San Sebastián

Health classroom on how to prepare Behobia-San Sebastián

“12 weeks is the least to prepare the Behobia”- “The recovery after the race is as important as the preparation,” says specialists from the Hospital Qu





Health classroom on how to prepare Behobia-San Sebastián
Health classroom on how to prepare Behobia-San Sebastián

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