Komvida renews IFS quality and food safety certificate for your kombucha





It is one of the most demanding food security standards, essential for achieving its international expansion goals with the highest guarantees required in the sector. It is the only producer of kombucha in Europe that has this accreditation

Komvida, a leading Spanish brand in the production and distribution of kombucha in Spain, has achieved for the third consecutive year the IFS (International Food Standard) certification, which guarantees that its product meets the highest standards in quality and food security. Thus, the Extremadura company becomes the only producer of kombucha in Europe to get this quality seal, one of the most demanding internationally.


Compliance with IFS implies that Komvida factory, located in Fregenal de la Sierra (Badajoz), where all the production and varieties of its kombucha (about 50,000 litres per month) are produced, it has an effective food security system, as well as a complete system of control of the product and the process, working with trained personnel and appropriate facilities. Disfraces para niños y adultos

The IFS accreditation, recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), notes Komvida's responsibility and involvement for the continuous improvement of quality and its food security management systems and, therefore, absolute confidence in the sale and consumption of its products.

“In Komvida we strive and work every day to offer the best kombucha in the market, and that also implies adapting to the demand of customers, which increasingly require companies to transparency in food security and product quality,” he says. Nuria Morales, co-founder and CEO of the company.

This certification is essential for the growth of the company in the short and medium term, both to increase the range of customers in the large national distribution and to expand and consolidate its presence in the international market, where it is essential to have this quality stamp. Komvida is already present in the United States, Panama and Portugal, and this year plans its expansion to other countries on the European continent.

Komvida factory, located in Fregenal de la Sierra (Badajoz)

Komvida renews IFS quality and food safety certificate for your kombucha

Komvida renews IFS quality and food safety certificate for your kombucha

It is one of the most demanding food security standards, essential for achieving its international expansion goals with the highest guarantees required in the






Komvida renews IFS quality and food safety certificate for your kombucha
Komvida renews IFS quality and food safety certificate for your kombucha

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