Anae Miel: Benefits of Honey for Children





Honey is one of the most beneficial foods for the organism, so it is convenient to include it in the feeding of children

Why should honey be included for the diet of children?
Honey is one of the most beneficial foods for the organism, so it is convenient to include it in the feeding of children. By increasing childhood obesity, parents are increasingly concerned about the feeding of their children. What are you doing wrong? Honey is a more natural food, it is a natural gem that children cannot stop eating.


Benefits of honey to children
It is one of the most comprehensive foods that contributes most to the health of children. It is a product with a high vitamin and mineral content. It helps to grow children and also provides the energy children need to cope with school days.

Also, honey protects the circulatory system, regulates the nervous system and favors physical and mental recovery after any activity.

Vitamins and minerals: Honey has plenty of minerals that are extremely useful for children. It can be used in several recipes or can also be given to children directly.

Protects the liver: Honey has properties that help the liver control the blood sugar level.

Helps treat asthma: Honey is of great help when children suffer from asthma, especially when they have an asthmatic attack at night. Honey has the property of suppressing congestion and provides a way of breathing more easily. Blog sobre gatos

Useful during chronic inflammation: Honey has the ability to cure inflammation as well. In fact, it has been used as anti-inflammatory for many years.

When is it preferable to include honey in the feeding of the youngest?
It is advised not to include this food before the first year of the baby's life. From that time on, the child can get all the benefits of this food.


The best way for children to eat honey in their daily diet is to include it in their breakfast. A child who takes a full and healthy breakfast daily will be a child full of energy and health.

A spoonful of honey in a glass of milk or a toast of bread with honey should not be missed in the breakfast of children. The snack is another time to include honey, with a toast of fresh cheese or honey-joined cheese.

However, do not stop consulting with the child's pediatrician or doctor when it is a good time to include honey in the feeding of children.

In Anae Miel production, packaging and distribution of poultry products are carried out: honey, pollen, propoleo, royal jelly, cosmetics, orujos, sweets, among others, since 1979. Its products highlight naturality and high quality, in addition to the passion with which they are manufactured.

Anae Miel: Benefits of Honey for Children

Anae Miel: Benefits of Honey for Children

Honey is one of the most beneficial foods for the organism, so it is convenient to include it in the feeding of children /COMUNICAE/ /COMUNICAE/





Anae Miel: Benefits of Honey for Children
Anae Miel: Benefits of Honey for Children

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