Causes Of Degenerative Arthritis




Degenerative Arthritis also known as Osteoarthritis is a condition developed in the cartilages between the bones. Cartilages act like bearings to prevent the friction between bones at joints in knees, hips, spine, big toe and fingers.

They act as shock absorbers and have the ability to change shape when compressed. Degenerative Arthritis makes the cartilages very stiff making it difficult for the bones to move at the joints and hence is very painful.

Over time it wears off making it even more impossible to move around. A majority of aged people suffer from this condition, in some form or the other, all over the world, making it important to inform the five most common causes of Degenerative Arthritis.


Common Causes Of Degenerative Arthritis

Running In The Family

It is a known fact that anything acquired through genes makes us what we are. Hence goes the same with cartilages. The genes corresponding to the cartilages also are given down to us through coding in the DNA.

If such genes are defective then the cartilages will also be defective leading to faster deterioration and finally wearing off. The same can also said about spine, neck, toes, knees and hips. Hereditary Degenerative Arthritis is one of the most common causes of this condition after aging.

Over-Doing And Over-Usage

Any physical activity has to be done within a limit. Every adult has to understand his/her body, so that they know when to stop doing a particular activity that involves the use of joints. In some cases, the over usage of joints can lead to wearing off of the cartilages, thus ultimately leading to Degenerative Arthritis. Also people who extensively have to bend or sit in awkward positions regularly, either for work or household purposes, can also develop this condition over a long period of time.

Weight Issues

How much one weighs definitely makes a difference to the stress applied on the joints. Obese people have a higher chance of developing this condition than people who don’t weight much.

Due to the weight, the cartilages get overloaded between the joints and hence wear off. Obesity can be related as a genetically connected disorder as well. It sometimes becomes the only cause of developing Degenerative Arthritis specifically at hips, knees and spine. Blog sopper tappers

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Common Causes of Arthritis

Previous Injuries And Surgeries

Injuries that have occurred at knees, hips or other joints tend to decrease the thickness of the cartilage thus decreasing it’s elasticity over a period of time. Also if one does not perform post injury physiotherapy sessions then it might lead to further worsening of the condition.

Most importantly, past surgeries that have been performed on joints could be one of the most common causes of Degenerative Arthritis. Surgeries at joints make extensive use of drugs and medications which take up most of the strength of the cartilages.

Other Causes

Accumulation of uric acid crystals and calcium pyrophosphate crystals in the cartilage, aging, inflammation in the joints, diabetes, hormonal disorders and birth defects can also increase the probability of developing Degenerative Arthritis. Though aging is one of the main causes, many researchers believe that it is simply a case of delay caused by the above reasons.

Thus Degenerative Arthritis is an unpreventable condition for some, while it can be consciously avoided by others by permitting the joints to function within a particular limit. Incidentally researchers found that football players have the maximum cases of this condition but they couldn’t say so in the case of marathon runners.

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Causes Of Degenerative Arthritis

Causes Of Degenerative Arthritis

Degenerative Arthritis also known as Osteoarthritis is a condition developed in the cartilages between the bones. Cartilages act like bearings to prevent the f





Causes Of Degenerative Arthritis
Causes Of Degenerative Arthritis

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