Saturated Fats




Reducing the intake of bad fats in your diet can reduce your risk of heart attacks and other related disorders. Unfortunately we live in an age where our diet is based on fast foods that are loaded with unhealthy fats and saturated fats. Reports state that one in three people have coronary issues due to high intake of fats and hence we all need to be aware of how to decrease our fatty intake.

I have devised an 8 step plan to help all of us reduce our intake of unhealthy fats. These tips will help you to trim the excess fats from your meal without making your meals boring and unappetizing. Substituting unhealthy foods with healthy ones is one of the easiest ways to get rid of excess fats in your meals.


Remember white meats are lower in fats in comparison to red meats. Eating white meats like chicken and turkey help to reduce your fat intake. Grilling your meats instead of frying them is a good way to reduce your intake of oil; this in turn helps to reduce your intake of fats.

Avoid full fat milk and opt for semi skimmed or skimmed milk. You could also opt to have soy milk or oat milk.

Eat cottage cheese rather that hard cheese as the former is lower in fats. Slice or grate the cheese instead of eating chunks. Todo sobre Pinganillos

Cook with olive oil rather than any other oil. Not only is this healthy it also requires a lesser amount to process foods; in this way you reduce the amount of fats in your meal drastically. Use olive oil instead of butter on your sandwiches and toast. It makes a great salad dip too and can be used in place of mayonnaise.

Avoid snacking on biscuits, cakes, cookies and other foods that are high in refined sugar. Eat fresh fruits, dried fruits and nuts instead. These snacks nourish your body while also adding natural sugars. If you or your children feel like snacking on sugary delights then you can eat fruit loaves or scones as they are lower in fats in comparison with cakes and muffins.

Eat eggs daily in order to stay healthy and reduce the amount of unhealthy fats in your body. When you eat eggs your body does not crave food thereby keeping you away from junk food. Eggs help to control weight gain and also help to reduce levels of blood cholesterol.

The last and most important step is to avoid buying ready meals as these are processed with huge amounts of fats. If you are buying these foods then you must choose to buy tomato based foods as the citrus in the tomatoes helps to cut down fats drastically.

Saturated Fats

Saturated Fats

Reducing the intake of bad fats in your diet can reduce your risk of heart attacks and other related disorders. Unfortunately we live in an age where our diet





Saturated Fats
Saturated Fats

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