Fundación Mahou San Miguel donates €300,000 to the Red Cross to guarantee the food of the most vulnerable





In addition, they have launched an initiative to capture microdonations aimed at the professionals of Mahou San Miguel, so that they can contribute to the acquisition of EPIS (Individual Protection Teams: masks, gloves, hats, etc.) for health personnel.

From Fundación Mahou San Miguel they are aware of the need to contribute, now more than ever during this Covid-19 emergency, to improving the situation of socially disadvantaged groups and closer to people. Therefore, he collaborates with the Red Cross through a donation of 300,000 euros to ensure the basic food and hygiene to 10,000 people with difficulties and older persons that need support right now.


This agreement adds to the capture initiative of microdonations, also in collaboration with the Red Cross, addressed to all professionals of all Mahou San Miguel workplaces, which want to contribute to preventing the spread of the virus among health personnel.

To this end, a help line has been made available to professionals so that those who want to contribute and contribute their sand granite. The amount reached will be destined to the purchase of EPIS (Individual Protection Teams: masks, gloves, hats, etc.) so that health professionals can continue to perform their work with as much security as possible. Recetas para Cookeo

Stop. Alfredo Mahou, President Fundación Mahou San Miguel“now more than ever we want to continue to support people with greater difficulties and we believe that a united and solidarity society can do great things. With these donations we want to help in the great emergency that we are living and involve all our committed professionals who feel the need to collaborate.”

Employment Program ‘We Create Opportunities’, now online
In parallel, the Fundación Mahou San Miguel continues its usual training for employment through the programme We create Opportunities at Hosteleríawhich has received since its inception in 2014 almost 4.5 million € and in which about 800 young people have participated. This is possible thanks to the adaptation of all content and training to online supports, allowing students to continue their studies until the end of the course.


Currently, around 126 youth participants in the last edition are receiving technical training and cross-cutting competencies from the Schools of Hostelry, from social entities such as Fundación Exit and Asociación Acts, as well as the personalized support of the company professionals through mentoring.

Fundación Mahou San Miguel donates €300,000 to the Red Cross to guarantee the food of the most vulnerable

Fundación Mahou San Miguel donates €300,000 to the Red Cross to guarantee the food of the most vulnerable

In addition, they have launched an initiative to capture microdonations aimed at the professionals of Mahou San Miguel, so that they can contribute to the acqu





Fundación Mahou San Miguel donates €300,000 to the Red Cross to guarantee the food of the most vulnerable
Fundación Mahou San Miguel donates €300,000 to the Red Cross to guarantee the food of the most vulnerable

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