OLIMINA3®, new natural palliative for joint discomfort





OLIMINA3® is a pioneering nutritional formulation, which has been proven to relieve joint discomfort in inflammatory processes. It is a helpful food created by the Spanish laboratory Phytogen Medical Foods, which has found the synergistic and effective combination of three 100% natural ingredients, present in the Mediterranean diet. A clinical study, conducted in four hospitals in Madrid, has scientifically evidenced the beneficial properties of this formula

A team of Spanish researchers has found a pioneering formulation for the treatment of joint discomfort. His name is OLIMINA3® and it is the result of a decade of research, which ended with a rigorous Scientific study performed in the hospitals of La Paz, Quirón, Ramón y Cajal and Puerta de Hierro, in collaboration with doctors of the University of Duke (United States) and published in prestigious medical journals. The research revealed that OLIMINA3® produces a significant decrease in inflammationby reducing levels of Reactive C Protein (PCR), (which increase in inflammatory processes), and all the parameters of painwhich has the BPI scale of MD Anderson. Results indicated that patients who took OLIMINA3® experienced a reduced pain intensity of up to 60%.


Key ingredients
The OLIMINA3® key is based on synergy obtained by the specific combination of three 100% natural ingredients, which are part of the Mediterranean diet, recognized by experts as one of the healthiest in the world:

Hytolive®, it is a formulation developed based on polyphenols of extra virgin olive oil, with high concentrations of hydroxytirosol and thyrosol, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

Omega-3, highly purified fatty acids, of marine origin that contribute to reducing the risk of coronary diseases and that help in inflammatory processes.

Curcumina, is a natural compound that occurs in the root of the turmeric, widely used in the Asian diet and which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

OLIMINA3® arrives at Spanish pharmacies after receiving the corresponding authorization of European regulatory bodies to the scientific evidence that it can reduce joint discomfort. And it also endorses the success achieved in the United States, where it has been marketed for three years. Cambiar bañera por plato de ducha | Mamparas - Bricoducha

La Dr. Noelia Martínezthe service Medical Oncology of the University Hospital Ramón y Cajal de Madrid, and a member of the Spanish Breast Cancer Research Group (GEICAM) and the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), has been responsible for coordinating the clinical study of OLIMINA3® as a member of the team of medical researchers working on the formulation of this nutritional supplement.

Formulation to treat joint discomfort
The passing of the years
causes a degenerative process that causes inflammation and pain which makes mobility difficult from the age of 50. A healthy diet, moderate exercise and new formulas such as OLIMINA3®, which come from food research, can make these problems of age more bearable and help improve the quality of life of those who suffer them.

OLIMINA3® is a product coadyuvantewhich does not aim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent the disease, but which can improve the quality of life of patients in their struggle against joint discomfort. It is prescribed as a food supplement and can be purchased in the pharmacies in containers of 90 capsules, enough for a month of treatment.

Natural palliative
We must emphasize that OLIMINA3® has no side effects, nor contraindications, since its formulation is based on the combination of 100% natural productstypical of the Mediterranean diet. In fact, it has been found that Mediterranean countries have a much lower incidence of cardiovascular diseases than in the United States, even though they consume more fat in their diet. The healthy properties of the Mediterranean diet are based on the consumption of vegetable products, cereals and olive oil. Precisely, the exclusive use of olive oil as main fat is what largely explains that difference.

Phytogen Medical Foods
After this innovative nutritional formulation is Phytogen Medical Foods, a Spanish company that, since its foundation in 2009, has committed to the development of natural products with a scientific basis, beneficial for health. His research, which culminated in obtaining the patent of this pioneering solution in his field, has focused on components considered “keys” of the Mediterranean diet, mainly polyphenols of extra virgin olive oil and Omega fatty acids 3.

OLIMINA3®, new natural palliative for joint discomfort

OLIMINA3®, new natural palliative for joint discomfort

OLIMINA3® is a pioneering nutritional formulation, which has been proven to relieve joint discomfort in inflammatory processes. It is a helpful food created b






OLIMINA3®, new natural palliative for joint discomfort
OLIMINA3®, new natural palliative for joint discomfort

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