How To Treat Liver Disease




Liver helps in the growth of human body. It also performs to check the cholesterol amount in our blood and it develops new tissues in our body. It produces bile, which is a very important element in the function of food digestion. The organ gives energy to the other organs to keep their functionality appropriate.

Liver cannot perform its functions if it gets infected. Therefore, you should take the proper precautions and remedial measures to keep it in the right condition.

Natural remedies for liver infection:

Take a glass of orange juice for two times twice daily and continue this for one week. You can also consume juice of cucumber, carrot and spinach as it is effective to cure liver infection. You should take it twice daily for two weeks. Also, mix the papaya seeds to the juice of lemon and consume 10 drops of this mixture repeatedly after half an hour for two weeks to get relief from the liver infection.


Add a pinch of salt in a glass filled with lemon water and drink it many times every day, especially during the summer time. Your body becomes dehydrated due to hot weather and lemon water helps to rehydrate your body. Apart from the lemon water, you can also take glucose water for three times daily as helps to prevent the cirrhosis of liver. Todo sobre Apple, Mac e Iphone

Make a juice of white radish and sugar candy and have it on an empty stomach, in the early morning. Consume another mixture of sacred fig leaves with sugar candy twice in a day to get fast healing results.

Roast finely the alum seeds and add them to buttermilk. Now consume the mixture for two weeks because it is a very useful natural cure for liver. Eating of foods containing carbohydrates is very useful in treating the liver infection. It helps to keep the functions of the liver in a normal way. Furthermore, you should take about twenty or thirty grams of food ingredients that contain low fats because such diet can prevent cirrhosis of the lever.

Lastly, always try to eat fresh fruits and green vegetables to ensure the longevity of your liver.

Things to avoid:

When you are suffering from infection of liver, you should avoid the fried and spicy foods. Also avoid smoking and consuming alcohol to get faster results.

How To Treat Liver Disease

How To Treat Liver Disease

Liver helps in the growth of human body. It also performs to check the cholesterol amount in our blood and it develops new tissues in our body. It produces bil





How To Treat Liver Disease
How To Treat Liver Disease

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